Colour Choices for Graphs and Tables
Heatmap Colouring for SSRS
Sample colours for a range of 10 levels with mid-point roughly yellow.
Code for BackgroundColor property of cell:
= IIF(Fields!FieldName.Value >= .98, "#63be7b", IIF(Fields!FieldName.Value >= .95, "#86c87d", IIF(Fields!FieldName.Value >= .92, "#b9d780", IIF(Fields!FieldName.Value >= .88, "#e1e383", IIF(Fields!FieldName.Value >= .84, "#feea83", IIF(Fields!FieldName.Value >= .78, "#fedf81", IIF(Fields!FieldName.Value >= .72, "#fdd780", IIF(Fields!FieldName.Value >= .68, "#fba977", IIF(Fields!FieldName.Value >= .65, "#fa9573", "#f8696b" ) ))))))))
Standard Colours
Sample | Code | Note |
123 | #DDEBF7 | Excel Pivot Header Blue |
123 | #FFF2CC | Excel Light Yellow Background |