Referential integrity checks
This script is aimed at data warehouse relational databases which don’t have foreign key constraints. Using column names it matches key column values between fact and dimension tables to identify orphans.
/* Referential integrity checker Aimed at data warehouses where dimension tables are prefixed 'dim', fact tables 'fact' and where the dimension primary key column name is part or all of the fact table foreign key column name. And there are no foreign key constraints:( @Template holds a dynamic sql template for counting number of rows in fact table, the number of orphaned foreign keys in the fact table, and the number of distinct orphaned values, etc. It contains placeholders ('{DimensionTable}', '{PrimaryKey}', '{FactTable}', '{ForeignKey}') which are all that are requried to make it run a test on a pair of tables. The CTE "Dimensions" is a list of tables beginning "dim" together with the name of the primary key column. The CTE "FactColumns" is all tables beginning "fact" that have a column name that contains the primary key column name. ** These are identified by their names rather than by foreign key constraint. These two tables are joined to produce a set of pairs of dimension and fact tables that is used to populate a cursor. The cursor loop substitutes the four placeholders in the sql template, and the resulting sql statement is executed. OUTPUT DimensionTable : the dimension table e.g. [dbo].[dimCustomer] PrimaryKey : the primary key of the dimension table e.g. [CustomerKey] FactTable : a fact table that has a foreign key to a dimension e.g. [dbo].[factSales] ForeignKey : the foreign key of the fact table e.g. [CustomerKey] or [DeliveryCustomerKey] FactRows : total number of rows in the fact table NbrOfOrphans : number of rows in fact table where the foreign key does not match the dimension primary key NbrOfOrphanedValues : number of distinct values that do not match a dimension primary key value MaxOrphanedValue : the highest orphaned foreign key value (including Null). 'n/a' if there are no orphaned rows. NbrOfSpecialRows : number of rows in fact table where foreign key is < 0. "Unknown" and suchlike. Change log 18-08-2020 AI version 1. */ CREATE TABLE #ReferentialIntegrityTests( RunTime datetime NOT NULL, DimensionTable nvarchar(300) NOT NULL, PrimaryKey nvarchar(300) NOT NULL, FactTable nvarchar(300) NOT NULL, ForeignKey nvarchar(300) NOT NULL, FactRows int, NbrOfOrphans int, NbrOfOrphanedValues int, MaxOrphanedValue varchar(20), NbrOfSpecialRows int ) DECLARE @sql nvarchar(max), @Template nvarchar(max), @DimensionTable nvarchar(300), @FactTable nvarchar(300), @PrimaryKey nvarchar(300), @ForeignKey nvarchar(300), @cur CURSOR; SET @Template = N';WITH RI AS ( SELECT d.{PrimaryKey} AS PrimaryKey, f.{ForeignKey} AS ForeignKey, Count(*) AS NbrOfRows FROM {FactTable} f LEFT JOIN {DimensionTable} d ON f.{ForeignKey} = d.{PrimaryKey} GROUP BY d.{PrimaryKey}, f.{ForeignKey} ) INSERT #ReferentialIntegrityTests ( RunTime , DimensionTable , PrimaryKey , FactTable , ForeignKey , FactRows , NbrOfOrphans , NbrOfOrphanedValues , MaxOrphanedValue , NbrOfSpecialRows ) SELECT RunTime = GETDATE(), DimensionTable = ''{DimensionTable}'', PrimaryKey = ''{PrimaryKey}'', FactTable = ''{FactTable}'', ForeignKey = ''{ForeignKey}'', FactRows = ISNULL(( SELECT SUM(NbrOfRows) FROM RI ), 0), NbrOfOrphans = ISNULL(( SELECT SUM(NbrOfRows) FROM RI WHERE PrimaryKey IS NULL), 0), NbrOfOrphanedValues = ISNULL(( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM RI WHERE PrimaryKey IS NULL GROUP BY PrimaryKey), 0), MaxOrphanedValue = ISNULL((SELECT MAX( ISNULL( CAST(ForeignKey AS varchar(25)), ''Null'')) FROM RI WHERE PrimaryKey IS NULL), ''n/a''), NbrOfSpecialRows = ISNULL( (SELECT SUM(NbrOfRows) FROM RI WHERE ForeignKey < 0), 0)'; SET @cur = CURSOR STATIC FOR WITH Dimensions AS ( SELECT QUOTENAME(S.NAME) + '.' + QUOTENAME(t.[name]) AS TableName ,QUOTENAME( AS PrimaryKey FROM sys.objects t INNER JOIN sys.schemas S ON S.schema_id =t.schema_id INNER JOIN sys.columns c ON c.object_id = t.object_id INNER JOIN sys.index_columns ic ON ic.object_id = t.object_id AND ic.column_id = c.column_id INNER JOIN sys.key_constraints kc ON kc.parent_object_id = ic.object_id AND ic.index_id = kc.unique_index_id WHERE t.[type] = 'U' AND kc.[type] = 'PK' AND t.[name] LIKE 'dim%' ), FactColumns AS ( SELECT QUOTENAME(S.NAME) + '.' + QUOTENAME(t.[name]) AS TableName ,QUOTENAME( AS ColumnName FROM sys.objects t INNER JOIN sys.schemas S ON S.schema_id =t.schema_id INNER JOIN sys.columns c ON c.object_id = t.object_id WHERE t.[type] = 'U' AND t.[name] LIKE 'fact%' ) SELECT d.TableName AS DimensionTable, d.PrimaryKey AS PrimaryKey, f.TableName AS FactTable, f.ColumnName As ForeignKey FROM Dimensions d CROSS JOIN FactColumns f WHERE CHARINDEX(REPLACE(d.PrimaryKey, '[', ''), f.ColumnName) > 0; OPEN @cur WHILE 1 = 1 BEGIN FETCH @cur INTO @DimensionTable, @PrimaryKey, @FactTable, @ForeignKey IF @@fetch_status <> 0 BREAK SET @sql = REPLACE(@Template, '{DimensionTable}', @DimensionTable) SET @sql = REPLACE(@sql, '{FactTable}', @FactTable) SET @sql = REPLACE(@sql, '{PrimaryKey}', @PrimaryKey) SET @sql = REPLACE(@sql, '{ForeignKey}', @ForeignKey) EXEC sp_executesql @sql END SELECT * FROM #ReferentialIntegrityTests ORDER BY NbrOfOrphans desc, FactRows desc DROP TABLE #ReferentialIntegrityTests